Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Monterey Bay Aquarium - Part 2

Here are more pictures from our visit to the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Elliott testing out the rocking horse (actually a rocking fish).  Hold on tight!

Ned jumped right on with another visitor.  I don't think she even noticed.

The boys playing nicely.

And then not so nicely.  Elliott wasn't on board with this plan but Ned was great with him.  

Dad! What is going on?

I like that it looks like Elliott has enormous feet in this picture, just like his Mama. 

Jenny and me in a giant penguin egg.  This is a repeat of a picture of the two of us from about five years ago.  

My boy and me :)

After the aquarium and lunch, we drove down 17 Mile Drive, the beautiful and famous drive along the rugged coast where the Pebble Beach golf course is.  The views of the ocean are impressive but it was the real estate that had us talking.  Anyone in the market for a $27M house??  There is a house here for you!

One more post of California pictures and then we're all caught up!
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