Friday, February 21, 2014

Dinner at the Smiths'

Two weeks ago, we went to the Smiths' house for dinner with the Donlans and Silvas. We had such a wonderful time. I feel so fortunate to have made such wonderful friends in the past few years since we moved here. 

The girls rolled around during their photoshoot. Well, Hollyn rolled and Lucy and Emma squirmed and kicked their legs.

Hollyn is a lover. She kept holding Emma's hand.

And then she went in for the smooch!

The big kids (Elliott, Elisa, and Colton) loved seeing Nemo on the big screen. When the olympics were on a few minutes before, ski jumping was lifesize!!

Naked babies! Emma and Lucy. Lucy looks surprised!

Friends for life. Look at the hand hold!

Elisa loves holding Lucy. They came over today and I swear Lucy is almost as big as Elisa!
This was the start of a brilliant photoshoot with all the kids. I didn't get any pictures but Leigh posted them on her blog. They are awesome!!!

A little out of order here:
Check out Elliott's hands while watching Cars for the first time. 

Who is coming to visit?
Uncle Rob Tocker!

Lucy's squeals before going to the Smiths' house for dinner.

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