Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all!  We are so happy to have our first Christmas as a family and in our new home.  We stayed home this year and celebrated with my family.  We had Christmas Eve dinner at our house, Christmas morning at Ned's house, and will be heading to Coco and Poppy's house for Christmas dinner in a few hours.

We were visited by at least 14 deer on Christmas Eve (and a light dusting of snow).

Elliott has really taken an interest in toys over the past couple of weeks.  He fell asleep snuggling with this giraffe yesterday.

Early Christmas morning at home.  Elliott got a sled from Santa.

Exhausted from Round 1 of gift opening and sleeping with a new giraffe.  He snuggled with this one in his car seat until Round 2 of gift opening at Holly and Mike's house.

Ned got a tricycle from Santa.

Ned saying, "Thank you, Santa" to the fireplace.

Elliott and Dad

Ned excited with his new ukalele from his grandparents (Mike's parents).

Elliott has found his feet!  He plays with them a lot these days.  We think it looks like baby yoga.
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1 comment:

  1. What an adorable picture. That is such a cute sled; perfect for Colorado visits.
    By the way, I have already bookmarked the blog on my Kindle I received for Christmas. :)
