Friday, March 23, 2012

Swings and Sweet Potatoes

I had a wonderful day with Elliott today.  I'm working four days a week and I treasure Fridays when I get to spend all day with him!  He had his sixth month check up today.  He's 17 lbs, 11 oz and 28 1/4".  That puts him in the 50th percentile for weight and the 95th for height.  We had a lunch date with Poppy and then went to the park with my friend Tegan.  Elliott really enjoyed the swing.

What is this contraption?

Oh, I like this!

Pure elation 

Sweet boy.  I have a feeling we'll be at the park often this summer.  And looking for a good tree to hang a swing at home!

Elliott tried sweet potatoes for the time tonight.  No funny faces at all!  He likes them!

Elliott and Ned had a really cute interaction during his dinner time.  

Smiles all around

My mom tried to get a picture of Holly, me, and our boys.  Getting all four people to look at the camera is hard.  Then again, capturing all four people looking away is hard to but she managed to catch that.

Sisters and our boys :)
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  1. Em - you look awesome! Look at those guns feeding Elliott sweet potatoes!!

  2. I have to follow up with an obvious, but necessary, "Elliott is looking as adorable as ever!" And I love the shots of you, Holly, and your boys:)

    1. Thanks, Rachel! I can't wait to get some cute pictures of Elliott and Elisa. Thanks for the comments. As a blogger, you know how fun it is to get a comment!!!
