Thursday, November 1, 2012

More Pots and Pans

Elliott was in a "special" mood the other night.  At a loss for how to keep him happy, I opened the cupboard of pots and pans and all was right in the world again.

Assessing the situation

Going in for more

I like this one . . .

I think I need to be closer

I have to make sure I get them all out!

It's a little fort.

Here I come, Mama!

Oh, a strainer.

On the move

He started being very helpful by putting things away.

Putting the big pot "away."

Apparently this is Elliott's version of "away."  The pot stayed sitting there, precariously placed.  It is good to know we have this backup toy chest in the kitchen, though it does get quite loud and messy underfoot!
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