At five months, Lucy is a very happy girl. She loves rolling over - she will travel across a room by rolling front to back and back to front. She is smiles most of the time. She is quite talkative - usually happy but impressively loud when she wants to be. She has delicious little laughs when you tickle her belly. She drools enough that we wonder if there are teeth coming soon.
Elliott - 29 months, Lucy - 5 months
Silly kids.
He put his arm around her.
Lucy really wants to sit up on her own but she's not quite there. We joke that she does baby pilates when she holds a V-sit on the floor.
I propped her back up.
Tipping . . .
I'm going down!
And I'm down.
Five months? Adorable photos! I love that Lucy is wearing the outfit Hollyn wore when the girls first met.