Friday, January 9, 2015

Christmas Morning 2014

I didn't take many pictures on Christmas morning because I wanted to be in the action, rather than behind the camera. But, here are a few.

Christmas morning excitement. Unfortunately my phone had a mechanical issue during the better movie opportunity.

Elliott helping Lucy with her present from Santa. Can you guess what it is?

Her own snow shovel!

Elliott opening his present from Santa.

A big excavator! I love the excitement on his face!

He got right into it.

New mittens.

Stacking up her blocks from Garrett, Brittany, and Hayden.

So proud of herself!

Trying to put on her new Santa Cruz T-shirt.

I can't figure out how to put it on so I'll just hold it on my head.

Getting her new backpack adjusted.

All ready for camping in 2015!

We had a really lovely morning with our family. We hosted a lively and wonderful Christmas dinner at our house with 11 adults and 8 kids. Crazy? Yes. Awesome? Absolutely. Thanks to all for celebrating with us!

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