Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Elliott is a big boy.

Whenever we're out and about and people ask how old Elliott is, they always remark on how big he is for six months.  We don't have much to compare him to so we don't think much of it.  Sure, he's wearing 9-12 month clothing at 6 months but lots of babies do that.  Well, he wore a few things over the past couple of days that made me realize how much he takes after me.  I was a big baby.  Full of fat rolls and other pudge.  As long as we're on that topic, isn't it unfortunate that the traits we find to be so cute in infants are frowned upon in adults?  No one says to adults, "look at your cute chubby thighs and that wonderful fat roll on your wrist."  Or "you're so cute when you push your oatmeal out of your mouth and it falls down your chin onto your shirt."

Anyway, moving on.  It's been a crazy week so I quickly took my parents up on their offer of dinner last night and stayed there for a while instead of heading straight home with Elliott.  It was nearing his bedtime and I didn't have PJs.  Never fear, Coco is ALWAYS prepared.  She had a set of PJs from the late 70s or early 80s (not sure whose they were originally) all clean and ready for her grandchildren.  Ned has worn these once too.  I firmly told her that they would be way too big.  After all, they are size 3T.  But, they fit well enough for the night.  Here is Elliott this morning.  My favorite (?) part of these is that they are a two piece, with the pants snapping to the shirt.  There are multiple sets of snaps so you can adjust the length as your child grows.  By using the uppermost set of snaps, the waistline is somewhere close to Elliott's armpits.

The body fit okay but the feet were comically huge on Elliott.  

Another example of Elliott's large size.  It's wonderfully warm here.  The previous record of 69 degrees for today was shattered by 13 degrees when the thermometer reached 82 here.  I'm ill prepared to dress Elliott for warm weather (a trip to the outlets is planned for this weekend).  Over this past weekend, I dug around in Ned's old clothes to pull out a few items that might fit Elliott this summer.  So, this outfit he wore today is on loan from Ned.  Here is Elliott in it at 6 months . . . 

And here is Ned in the same outfit at 14 months during our trip to France in 2010.

Who me?? Yep, Mama, I'm a big boy!!
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1 comment:

  1. Hi, Em, it's Kary! James has a similar big-boy build (obviously takes after Daddy), so we're always grabbing for clothes. Fortunately we have some nice friends who've given us their old boys' clothes--we were getting desperate!

    What a sweet boy Elliott is!
