Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Pumpkinville 2014 on Lucy's Birthday

Lucy's birthday morning. Shouldn't every morning start with a crown?

We went on our annual family trek to Pumpkinville on Lucy's birthday. We have been in 2012 and 2013. This was an earlier trip than in previous years since Jesse was away for most of October.
Miss One.

Picking pumpkins.

Mmmmmm. Donuts.

Lucy was a fan!

Just driving in a pumpkin car.

Look at those two!

Elliott needed three more friends to fill his pumpkin truck.

I'm thinking this will become an annual picture.

We then went jumping on this giant pillows. That is Elliott, airborne in the middle of the frame.

Lucy had fun, too!

Lucy and her Daddy.

Lucy-Mama selfie on the cow train.

Yep, I got to ride on the cow train, too. Twice, in fact.

On to the wooden train.

Pumpkins make the best backdrop.

Then onto the wagon ride.

Taking in the views. It was a slow day at Pumpkinville so we had the wagon nearly to ourselves.

Don't try to take selfies with a big SLR camera.


The keeper shots. 
Elliott liked the "lumpy" pumpkins.

Nice tongue, Lucy.

Birthday dinner and more cupcakes.

Clearly she doesn't like it. :)

Meeting her puppy from Grandpa Nick.

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