Monday, October 29, 2012

Video of laughs

I downloaded files from our video camera today and came across this wonderful video from earlier in October of Elliott laughing.  He belly laughs now.  It is the best sound!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Fun Bus

Elliott played on the Fun Bus at the mall recently.  His love of wheels is great and consistent.  He was full of smiles in the driver's seat.

Hi Mama!

When it was time to go, Elliott was NOT happy to get out.

"You made me leave the Fun Bus!  That's no fun at all!!"
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Friday, October 26, 2012

Colton's Birthday Party

Last weekend, we joined in celebrating Colton's 1st birthday.  You can read all about it on his blog.  We had a great time seeing Colton's family and many friends.

Elliott was a bit young for pumpkin decorating but Jesse decorated Elliott with a forehead bat sticker.

He loved this toy.  This boy LOVES wheels!

Checking things out

Getting a hug from Abigail

And a kiss.  What a lucky boy!


Amelia and her pumpkin

Riley and his pumkin

Abigail giving some birthday love to Colton.

And the rest of the Molar crew (baby number 4 is coming any day:) )

A tired boy after coming home from the party.  Who needs an eye mask when you have a hat to keep out the light?

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Some randoms pics

These are a bit out of order since I just pulled them off Jesse's phone but I wanted to share them.

More dragon and panda cuteness!  Here we are taking off on our hayride.

Mama and her dragon (Give me my binky back!).

Earlier last week, we brought dinner to Mike, Holly, and Ned.  Mike is nursing a broken collarbone so we figured that bringing dinner was the least we could do.  Elliott loved playing in Ned's little car.  He ran right for it in the middle of changing into his PJs.  Here is the evidence of his impromptu nude playtime.  What is not captured is that Ned stripped down too so they were both streaking in the livingroom.  Just an average weeknight dinner . . . 

Is there anything cuter than a sleeping baby?  Elliott moves around a lot when he sleeping, always leaving the blankets behind.  When we check on him and cover him up before we go to bed, we look in wonder at this cuteness.
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Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Dragon and the Panda

We went to our first Halloween party of the year last Friday at the Mayers' house.  Elliott is a dragon - and a very cute one at that!  His costume is easy, comfortable, and warm.  Homemade?  Not so much.

Jesse and the dragon having a snack

Elisa and Elliott missed the full kids' picture so we did a photoshoot of the two of them.
Feel free to add your own commentary to this string of photos!

A dragon and a panda were sitting on a couch (pretty sure that's the first time that has ever been said).

The dragon said, "look over there!"  The panda promptly looked the other way.

The dragon said, "it's sooooo funny!!"  The panda agreed, cracking a smile and revealing her fabulous dimples.

The panda said, "it's even better if you cover this eye."

The dragon said, "now, I have to cover your eye."  The panda had other thoughts on that.

"What?," asked the dragon.  "Is that a bounce house I see?"  The panda looked at the dragon with stunned disbelief.

"It is!!" exclaimed the dragon.  "It's too bad we're so small and unstable or else we could go play with all the big kids."  The panda said, "next year, my friend, next year."

Hope you love these pictures as much as we do!
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Friday, October 12, 2012


For the past week, our great friend Jenny has been visiting from Santa Cruz.  We were so sad to see her go this morning.  While she was here, we took a trip down to Ellicottville and Pumpkinville.  It was a chilly morning but we had a great time.

Elliott was excited to see all the wheels lined up.

Delivery of apples

Laughing with Jenny

Deep in thought.  But look at that blue sky!

Jenny with the big gourd.

Checking out the pumpkins

Getting up close with Jenny.

I think I'll have this one.

It's a little big . . . 

But I'm going to get it!

Ugh, defeated.

Trying to get back in the wagon (unsuccessfully).

Feeding the sheep.  Elliott really liked them.

Torso-first on the move to explore.

My boys.  We didn't have mittens for Elliott so he's wearing socks on his hands.

Great family shot.

Little boy in a sea of pumpkins.

Snuggles with Jenny

And lots of laughs!

A true momento for the day - Elliott was in The Buffalo News!!
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