Sunday, October 21, 2012

Some randoms pics

These are a bit out of order since I just pulled them off Jesse's phone but I wanted to share them.

More dragon and panda cuteness!  Here we are taking off on our hayride.

Mama and her dragon (Give me my binky back!).

Earlier last week, we brought dinner to Mike, Holly, and Ned.  Mike is nursing a broken collarbone so we figured that bringing dinner was the least we could do.  Elliott loved playing in Ned's little car.  He ran right for it in the middle of changing into his PJs.  Here is the evidence of his impromptu nude playtime.  What is not captured is that Ned stripped down too so they were both streaking in the livingroom.  Just an average weeknight dinner . . . 

Is there anything cuter than a sleeping baby?  Elliott moves around a lot when he sleeping, always leaving the blankets behind.  When we check on him and cover him up before we go to bed, we look in wonder at this cuteness.
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