Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Polar Express - North Pole and Back

We arrived at the North Pole and bundled up the kids. At the North Pole, you could visit Santa and get a snack in a big heated tent. Who knew they sold hot dogs at the North Pole??
Elliott, Charlotte, Sophia, and Luca.

Lots of snow.

Sophia was going to show the little kids how to make snow angels but the snow was too deep.

Elliott found a perch.

Smiles from Sophia.

Charlotte had a blast in the snow, too.

A gust of wind made for snowy conditions.

Coco has a stocking in Santa's workshop!

Leigh and me with our boys.

Elliott still is not a fan of Santa. Maybe next year!

Colton wasn't a fan either.

Colton reluctantly sat still for a moment.

Elliott was unsure of the whole room, knowing Santa was somewhere. He loved the train at his feet.

Colton says "cheese" and moves closer to the camera as he smiles.

Colton waving goodbye to Santa and Mrs. Claus.

Elizabeth keeping an eye on the outdoors.

Elizabeth was a HUGE fan of Santa. She was thrilled when he made a pass through the train on our way back.

She was very disappointed when he left our car.

Elliott hid by Jesse when Santa came through.

The Smiths. Hollyn had a cough so she stayed with her Grandma for the day.

When we were getting off the train at the end of our trip, Penny spent a few minutes sitting on the upper luggage racks. She loved it!

Look at that beautiful girl!

We loved riding on the Polar Express. Elliott is still talking about it. We can't wait to go again next year!

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Monday, December 30, 2013

Polar Express - to the North Pole

On December 15th, we gathered at the Arcade Railway with friends to travel to the North Pole on the Polar Express. There are a ton of great pictures from this outing so I split it into two posts. This covers the trip to the North Pole.

Ned, Penny, and Elliott ready to board the train. They are all looking at the camera!

Happy boys.

The Rugnettas aboard the train.

Excitedly eating popcorn in their matching PJs.

Handsome Ned.

Our family of 4.

Pretty Penny looking out the window.

Big laughs.

Colton and Elizabeth.

Silly Ned.

Sophia and Ned, best buds.

Laura and Leigh.

So what if I'm eating my bodyweight in popcorn?

Silly cousins.

Elizabeth was thrilled with the whole experience.

Our onboard musical entertainment.

Elliott spent most of the trip up with the Ortmans, leaving us a bit more room in our seat.

Look at this cuteness.

Elliott: Oh, Ned! You're so funny.
Ned: I know!

Look at these two.

They kill me with their cuteness.

They are going to miss each other so much when Sophia moves to India in two short weeks.

Lucy fast asleep with Jesse. 

Laura and Elizabeth as we arrived at the North Pole.

Penny all bundled up and ready to face the snow. Recognize the snow suit?

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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Penny is 1!!

It's hard to believe that Penny is already one. It seems like last week when she was born. She turned one on December 10th and we gathered on December 14th to celebrate this milestone.

The birthday girl getting ready for her cupake.

Lucy fell fast asleep in Alice's arms. Alice is Penny's great grandmother.

All smiles during the singing.

For me?!

Here you go, Penny. To make this major milestone of turning one, you get . . . refined sugar!

I want that!

Frosting first. That a girl!

Charlotte got to hold her two babies, Benny and Lucy.

Kiss for Lucy.

Kiss for Benny.

Snuggling them both.

Emma and Lucy, just hanging out.
Around this week, Jesse and I were talking about how Lucy's hair was "standing up." Elliott then repeated, "Lucy's hair is walking." Toddlerisms are the best.

Getting some cuddles in.

Oh, Lucy. I'm hungry. Does milk come out of your chubby cheek?
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