Sunday, December 22, 2013

NYC - Part 2

Continuing from NYC - Part 1 . . .
From the shower, Claire, Lucy, and I headed back to the apartment. Steve ordered balloons for the shower. Knowing they are expecting a baby boy, he requested the baby boy balloon bunches. The balloons that were delivered were more appropriate for a three year old boy than a baby or a shower. There were a couple of Cars balloons in the bunch and, knowing Elliott's affinity for Tow Mater, we took the balloons home. What do we get when you put two adults, a baby in a carseat, and a huge bunch of balloons in the back of a taxi? Something like this!

We had grand ambitions to feed the kids an early dinner and go out exploring that evening. However, Elliott and Penelope were both under the weather and napped late. We scrapped our plans and stayed in.

Pretty Penelope.

What do you get when you put four adults, two toddlers, and infant in a two bedroom apartment? A scene that looks something like this. 

On Sunday, we went to Louise and Andrew's apartment for a wonderful brunch. Sadly, I didn't take any pictures. Elliott loves his new piggy "jammas" from Weeze. We then headed out to Long Island to Jack and Caroline's house. Elliott fell asleep as soon as we started driving and missed out on the big bridges.

Caroline and CeCe (8 months old already!). Look at that beautiful smile!

Lucy hanging out with Daddy.

It was so wonderful to see these wonderful girls - and Jack too!!

Since our road trip took us through Central New York, we stopped in to visit Jay and Suzanne, our good friends from working in Antarctica. They have a woolen mill and farm near Ithaca. Elliott loved seeing the animals, tractors, and tools. Here he is checking out the sheep.

There was one egg in the chicken coop. Jesse captured this great shot of Elliott with the egg. Look at that face!

Playing with Jay's airplane.

We had such a wonderful trip. We loved seeing so many good friends and family. We hope to visit again soon!!
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