Friday, June 29, 2012

Weekend Gatherings

Last weekend, we crammed in lots of good times with friends before Jesse went back to work.  On Saturday, we celebrated Danielle's 30th birthday with a cookout at Jason and Leigh's house.  Elliott was excited to play with Colton.  Look how much they have grown since November and late December.

Checking out a whole new stash of toys.

Colton concentrating on his toys.

Hey! Have you seen this yellow thing?

Yeah, Elliott, I live here!

Have you seen these stars?

These stars are the best!

Amelia and Colton talking

On Sunday, Connor and Rhiannon came over for dinner.  We had a great meal outdoors.

Elliott has been teething for over a week now.  I sure hope something breaks through soon!

He is very excited about his new waving skills.


So pleased with himself

And under the tray, there are these perfect little feet.
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