Saturday, July 7, 2012

4th of July

We spent the 4th of July in Canada, as we usually do.  I find it somewhat ironic that we always celebrate the founding of our country in another one.  The day can only be described as "controlled chaos."  Between Ned, Elliott, and two other friends, there was a constant stream of activity all day (except the quiet hour when all four kids were asleep.

The day starting with Ned and Elliott piling in to Poppy and Coco's bed.

Good morning!!

The whole crowd at dinner


Sophia (in Ned's class)

I found a hammer.

Ned and Sophia rough-housing after dinner.  Luca, Sophia's brother, stands by to the side.

Elliott loves pulling himself up on the chairs.  More pictures to follow in a future post. 

Luca in the beautiful evening sun.

Nestled under a chair.

I came down to this after I put Elliott down.  Entertaining, to say the least. 

My wonderful friend Toby came to visit for a few days.  So great to see her!
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