Sunday, July 29, 2012

Measuring cups and steak dinner

I have to get all caught up on blogging before two very exciting things happen in the next few days.
1) Jesse gets into Honolulu and will be able to see new pictures of Elliott for the first time since July 3rd.
2) Elliott and I leave for Hawaii to go meet Jesse.  We're so excited for a fabulous vacation!!

I broke out the really fancy toys for Elliott this week . . . measuring cups.  They are quite loud.  It makes me wish I had plastic ones, though he probably wouldn't be as entertained without the noise.


Yummy.  I love that he has one in each hand. 

Elliott had steak earlier last week.  He started off right with a rib eye.  He ate some pieces but wasn't a huge fan.  So, a few days later, I decided to give him a big chuck of steak and see what happened.  Here he is checking it out . . . 

He proceeded to gnaw on it for about five minutes.  Flintstones style.
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