Saturday, April 20, 2013

Riding on Poppy's Tractor!

We had a nice sunny day at home last weekend. Jesse had just arrived home on Friday night and we were leaving for Colorado on Monday so we went to my parents' house for brunch and a visit. We took advantage of the sunshine and relative warmth to get outside. Jesse worked on installing a trailer hitch on our car and Poppy intended to do something with the tractor. Whatever he had intended to do was derailed because he ended up giving rides to Ned and Elliott instead!

Before Poppy started the tractor, we put hearing protection on Elliott, assuming he would take them right off. No! He loved wearing them and did not want to take them off. We love how they push his already chubby cheeks even farther forward and more chubby.

Bucket of cousins

I rode in the bucket with the boys.

Riding on Daddy's lap while he drove the tractor.

Both boys LOVED riding on Poppy's lap, especially when he honked the horn.

Elliott is clearly very excited about something "over there."

Little boy in a big seat.

Here is a video of the tractor fun.

He really liked raking, pushing the broom, and playing in the leaves that Coco was raking out from under the bushes.

Helping Daddy work on the car.

Hey, Daddy, I think you need my help!

Then we went inside for lunch. Elliott wanted to hold Penny, and Aunt Hol read him a story.
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