Thursday, November 15, 2012

First Haircut

Elliott had slowly been growing the typical one year old mullet - short up top, long in back.  We kept saying, "we really need to cut that," but never found the time (and his baby hair is so cute!).  So, on Sunday morning, Elliott had his first haircut.  What does it take to cut his hair?  Two parents and Feist singing with Sesame Street on the iPad.  This is Elliott's favorite video - it lulls him into contentment while we use the nebulizer, cut his nails, cut his hair.  And, it doesn't drive us crazy.  In short, it is amazing.

Watching Feist.  During the haircut, he sat on the stool like a big boy.

We left that cute fluffy hair on the top.

Cleaned up in the back. Mullet no more!
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