Wednesday, November 21, 2012

First Legos (AKA "Drums")

There is a hilarious story often told in my family of my father and his siblings when they were young at Christmastime one year.  When discussing what to get their mother for Christmas, my father suggested a drum set.  His older brother John responded, "but Mom doesn't play the drums."  My Dad rebutted with, "that's 'cause she hasn't got any."  It doesn't take long to see that my Dad really wanted drums.  So, in our house, "drums" is a euphemism for a gift you get for someone else because you want it for yourself, or at least to share in the fun.

Elliott received some gift certificates for Toys R Us for his birthday and we finally made it over to pick out some new toys.  What an overwhelming place!  Elliott thought it was great.  He wandered the aisles with a wide smile.  Jesse and Elliott lit up when we looked at Legos.  Well, Jesse's eyes certainly lit up, just as Robert's had at the thought of drums.  He really enjoyed playing with Legos as a kid and was/is excited for Elliott to have the same experience.  Here are some pictures of them playing together.

Daddy's little helper

Maybe Elliott will start helping with the house construction too!  I think we're a long way off from that.

Helping put a piece on.

I love the look of concentration.

We're all enjoying the Legos.  I worked on building some things this evening with Elliott helping take it apart as I went.  Thanks to Uncle John, Aunt Debbie, and Grandma Shirley for the gift!
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