Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Saturday Wagon Ride

While I went to the gym on Saturday morning, Jesse and Elliott worked out in the woods.  Elliott rode in the wagon and helped pick up sticks.  I came home shortly before they arrived back at the house in the wagon and we had fun playing outside.  The light was wonderful and the boy was in great spirits.  Warning: lots of pictures ahead . . .

Elliott loves sitting on anything and everything these days.

Big smile

Curious eyebrows

Bringing Daddy his gloves

Here, Daddy.

He sat on the handle of his wagon for a while.

Then started climbing in

Almost there


Checking out the descend

Climbing out

Almost there

Done!  According to Elliott, everything can be climbed.

On the move!

This picture reminds me of Wyatt over at Little Boy Brown.

Pushing his wagon around the driveway

And off into the woods for some off roading
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