Thursday, August 30, 2012

Out in the Village

We live in a wonderful place.  The more time we spend in East Aurora, the more we love it.  It is small enough that we run into people we know all the time yet big enough to have great restaurants and activities.  

This summer, Elliott and Jesse have frequented the old car show on Monday nights at the local VFW.  Elliott  has a thing for wheels.  Stroller wheels.  Toy wheels.  Steering wheels.  Car wheels.  And tank wheels.

We went out for dinner tonight and had delicious pizza at Elm Street Bakery.  After dinner, we walked across the street to get ice cream at the Red Caboose.  Elliott was really excited to try driving the train.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

14 Constantines

We have several opportunities in July to get together with my Constantine cousins.  These are pictures from smallest John's 4th birthday party.  "Little" John is my first cousin so smallest John is Elliott's second cousin.  I am one of 11 Constantine cousins and we are all slightly obsessed with one another.  We don't see each other nearly as often as we'd like but, when we do, it is always a fun time.  As we all have kids, the group grows.  As you can see from these pictures, the next generation is alarmingly male dominated.  Of the 12 kids born as Constantines in the next generation, 10 are boys!  And one of the girls was just born last week. Welcome Penelope!  Fortunately we have three wonderful stepdaughters in the extended family to bring the balance at a slightly less skewed ratio of 10 boys and 5 girls.

Nate, smallest John, Henry, Ned, and Elliott on the go.

With our generation added in.  Little John, Betsy, me, Ted, and Holly.  Lilly is also on John's lap.

With one more generation.  Bill, Robert, and my dad, Walter.  That's 14 Constantines right there!

That's love.

Later that day back at Abino, Ned and Elliott on either side of the screen.
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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Rough love with Charlotte

Charlotte and Meg came up to Canada last weekend for a visit.  As soon as Charlotte saw Elliott, she said, "my baby!" and went in for a snuggle.  They had a great time.  We all took turns playing interference.  Uncle Ted keeping the heads from bouncing into each other.


Meg and Charlotte

Elliott getting the upper hand and examining Charlotte's teeth.

Ted catching the heads again.

They were having a great time.

Happy friends.

Jesse keeping their heads from knocking while rocking on the frog.

Charlotte trying to climb on too.

We love seeing Meg and Charlotte (and Corey) and hope to see them soon!
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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Kauai - Hanalei Bay

On our last day in Hawaii, we went to Hanalei Bay.  I have been wanting to try stand up paddle boarding for a few years but haven't had the opportunity to do so.  It intrigues me each time we go to Santa Cruz but the frigid water and need for a wet suit deters me.  Hanalei Bay and Hanalei River was the perfect spot to try it.  At the end of my time, Elliott joined me for a sit down paddle.  We only took a quick trip since he wasn't too interested in sitting still.

We went for a swim in the bay and then Elliott took an air bath.  He and Jesse were having a great time playing with Elliott's hat.  This was the first time he belly laughed for an extended time.  It happens regularly now.  


Big smiles

Cute buns

Hi Mama

This is one of the most amazing views ever.  From Princeville looking west over Hanalei and Hanalei Bay.  

Elliott enjoyed "driving" the rental car.  And turning all the knobs.

Family shot at dinner on our last night.  We ate delicious sushi right next to the Hanalei River.

And then we went home!  Elliott kept everyone entertained in the airport.  He was carry-on size approved!  He was a champion traveler on the way home, sleeping for 8 hours straight, the last half hour of which was while Jesse carried him through the Chicago airport.

We had such an amazing trip.  The best part was being together.  Our little family of three.  For 10 days.  In a beautiful place.  It was amazing.
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Friday, August 24, 2012

Kauai - Ke'e Beach and the Queen's Bath

Back to Kauai, I'm almost done.  I promise.

We went to Ke'e Beach for a morning.  This is the end of the road on the north shore at the beginning of the Kalalau Trail, the trail that follows the amazing Na Pali Coast (where Jurassic Park was filmed).  The closest we got to the trail was the parking lot.  Life is a little different with Elliott.  We got to the beach bright and early because the lot fills up early with hikers.

Jesse and Elliott built a sand castle/moat/trench.

Helpful boy

Checking out the view from the pit.

Another crowded beach

Crazy Kauai chickens.  Really crazy.  Apparently a hurricane in 1992 destroyed most of the fences on the island, releasing all the chickens and rosters.  Their population boomed and they are now feral.  And crazy.  Even crazier was the teenager near us who was feeding them.  I don't have much tolerance for that.  Okay, getting back to the task at hand.

Elliott sporting a sand beard.

Yummy frisbee.  

The sun came out later in the morning, showing more of the beauty of this place.

This was the view from the road between Princeville, where we were staying, and Hanalei, our favorite spot to eat and explore.  The fields below are mostly taro, the source of poi which is the purple goup they serve at luaus.  If you look closely at the mountain in the center of the photo, you can see a large waterfall that serves as a beautiful backdrop to Hanalei.

In the afternoon, we walked down on a lava flow to the Queen's Bath.  

Elliott rode papoose style.

The famous Queen's Bath.  It is a protected pool on a rough part of the coast.  However, when the water is so calm in the summer, the pool sometimes becomes stagnant.  It was on this day and had a little too much green fuzz for our liking.  So, we enjoyed the view and walked back out.  

It can be very rough in the winter and quite dangerous.

Heading back home

A pretty little waterfall on the way out.

That evening we got take out pizza and watched the sunset over Hanalei Bay.  Talk about a great view.

Mega yacht, racing canoes, stand up paddle board.  Cool shot.

Happy boy enjoying the park.

There it goes!

Elliott ate the whole pizza!  Not really.  We used the box as a make shift plate on the filthy table.

Enjoying his favorite thing in the condo.  We might need to hang out in our basement laundry room more often!

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