Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Kauai - Anini Beach

Back to catching up on Hawaii . . . On August 6th, we flew from the Big Island to Kauai, "The Garden Isle." Where the Big Island is rough and harsh with fresh lava, Kauai is lush and green.  We spent lots of time on the Big Island exploring and travelling around the island.  Once we got to Kauai, we went in full-on vacation relaxation mode.

E waiting for a snack in our great condo.  We love this clamp on chair we borrowed from Ned.

Pretty waterfall - but just off the highway and not peaceful at all.

On our first full day, we walked down to the beach for the day.  This is Anini Beach.  Crowded, isn't it?

Nice shady spot under the trees.  This was also out of the rain.  We stayed on the north shore and rain is common.  But it would rain for 5-10 minutes at a time and wasn't cold.  We just sat under the trees, or stayed in the rain.  Not at all like rain at home!

Who needs toys when you can eat sticks?

Not sure what is going on here but it looks cute to me.

Getting a rinse down

Naked baby in flight!


Happy boy

And now a tired boy.  This was right before a TWO HOUR nap on the beach.  Elliott takes two hour naps at day care, and apparently on the beach.  At home?  Never.  
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