Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Big Island - North Shore

The next day on the Big Island was spent in Waimea and the North Shore.  We went to two great farmers' markets in Waimea on Saturday morning.  Waimea is up in elevation, right on the break between the wet and dry sides of the island.

The lush, wet side

The dry side (I was standing in the same place for these two pictures) 

From Waimea, we drove north through cattle country.  This area of the island was once part of the largest cattle ranch in the country.  The original ranch is still large but pieces have been broken off.  We liked this view with the ocean in the background.  Not a bad place to be a cow!

We stopped for a picnic lunch . . . 

with a great view.

Then we went the beautiful Pololu Valley.  This was the view from the top looking into the back of the valley.

Looking down to the beach.

And then we hiked down to the bottom.  Jesse had the hardest job.  Elliott had a great ride.

Down paths like this . . . 

A view from partway down

We made it!  On the valley floor.

the beach

Elliott was very busy with this rock.

Dirty boy

One of the very few family shots from our trip on this great swing.

On our way back "home" that afternoon, we drove by this great view.  Note the cows at the base of the turbine.  It appears that life as a cow is pretty good in Hawaii, until they turn you into hamburger.
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