Thursday, August 9, 2012

Big Island - Waialea Beach and Waipio Valley

After touring Volcanoes National Park and South Point, we headed north to the Kohala Coast of the Big Island.  Elliott was still getting up early so we were at the beach around 8 am.  This was an awesome beach. Waialea Beach is less than 10 minutes from the condo where we were staying.  The bay is protected by a reef and much of the beach is shaded by trees - perfect for Elliott.  Jesse and I were able to take turns snorkeling and saw beautiful coral, lots of fish, and a sea turtle.

Exploring the beach

We had the place nearly to ourselves in the morning.

Ahhhh . . . 

He loves splashing in the water.

Looking the other way

In a moment of pure genius (there are many for her), my mom picked up this awesome tent the night before we left for this trip.  I had been planning on taking a pack n play which is HUGE.  This awesome tent folds up to the size of a large frisbee.  It has been great for napping on the go.

This was what the beach looked like when it got "crowded."  We still have one more day here but this is our favorite beach of the trip so far.

In the afternoon, we went for a drive up and over to the east side of the island to see Waipio Valley.  The highlight of this spot was when Elliott took his first steps!

Happy boy!

This was an amazing lookout over a minimally populated (~50 people) valley in a very remote area.  

There are great views of the cliffs beyond the valley.

 But we were most excited about Elliott's big milestone and having a big grassy area for crawling around (he napped as soon as we got back in the car).  

On to Waimea and the North Shore next!
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