Thursday, November 14, 2013

Delaware Park Cyclocross Race

Elliott has been talking about cyclocross since his last race at Knox Farm. "Another bike race?" was a frequent request during the three weeks between races. On November 3rd, his request was granted at the Delaware Park race. Knox Farm was warm and sunny. Delaware Park was cold and muddy. The temperatures peaked in the upper 30s and about half of the adult riders dropped out of the race due to broken bike parts from the mud.

Elliott and Ned played on their bikes while we watched the adult races.

Lucy and Penny napped for most of the morning. They were the warmest people there.

Elliott was thrilled when Poppy showed him how to ring the cow bells.

Testing out the podium.

Heckling is common practice in cyclocross. This horse is used to dangle one dollar bills in front of passing riders. People also pass out beer, donuts, and other hilarious items to distribute at an athletic account.

Mike and Ted both finished their race and then it was time for the kids' race. Ted put Elliott up on a tall perch before carrying him up the hill to the little kids' course.

Lining up at the start.

Getting ready to go. Uncle Teddy is in the background getting ready to push.

Ned at the start.

And they're off!

A video of the action. (Elliott just watched this video about 30 times in a row since I showed him the play button on my phone.)

Video of the finish.

A big thank you to Uncle Teddy for pushing the little man!

Lucy cooperated and slept for most of the races. I took her back to the car to feed and change her but needed to set her down while I got situated. It turns out she fits perfectly on the dashboard of Coco's big car!

All that action was exhausting. Elliott fell asleep quickly on the drive home, still wearing his medal and holding his books.
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