Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Smiles & A Hike

Where is time going? Each week seems to fly by. Someone wise once told me that life with kids, particularly stay at home moms, means days are long but years are short. I am living that right now. Lucy is a peach - getting bigger everyday and full of smiles, especially first thing in the morning. We had our first snow. Elliott and Dutch both loved it.

Sleeping peacefully in a sweater Coco knit for Elliott. 11/12/13.

Elliott waking up to the first snow of the year.

And more from downstairs.

Poppy got the sled out for a quick trip around the driveway when we stopped at their house.

Smiley girl.

Reading with Daddy.

The next day, still smiling, in a sweater Holly knit for Elliott.

I can't get enough of her smiles! 11/14/13.

With a little help from Mama, Elliott wore Coco's chicken tea cozy as a hat.

Cool kid.

That weekend (11/16/13), we went for a hike at Hunters Creek Park with Tim and Ned. Holly, Laura, and another friend ran while we hiked.

Ned posing for a snapshot.

Elliott rode in the pack most of the hike but walked for a short time. It made for slow going. Dutch was thrilled to be outside with other dogs.

The speedy hikers.

When Ned got tired, Tim carried him and his muddy boots.

Elliott loves reading books. I was putting both kids to bed one night when Jesse was out with friends and took this video. I could not hold the book while nursing Lucy so Elliott read me stories for a bit. I love watching him. If I had the skills and free time, I would love to add subtitles to this video.

Late that Saturday night, I got a text from Claire asking if they could come over for breakfast the next day. We love Bills home games when they fly up from NYC!!

Elliott builds trains out of anything and everything these days. This train included legos, animals, and tractors.

I am particularly fond of the fish between the zebra and the cow. The boy has a great imagination.
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