Monday, February 17, 2014

Skiing and "Go Broncos"

Elliott has been asking to go skiing with us but it has been far too cold to take him with us. We finally had a thaw during the first weekend in February. It was warm enough to take both kids out with us. Lucy slept the whole time. Elliott had a great time in the backpack.

The boys (that's Tim Magee). The dogs always have a great time. They wrestle and burn off lots of energy.

The girls (that's Laura Magee). You know how there are some people that you always use their first and last name when talking about them? Elliott is like that with the Magees. It is never "Tim and Laura." It is always "Tim Magee and Laura Magee." When he was first learning her name, Elliott referred to Laura as "Laur The Magee." Awesome.

Stopping for a break near the end.

We skied at Laura's grandparents' property. They spend the summers here and also have this cute cabin. There might be some camping here this summer!

My baking helper.

This was "Go Broncos" day. The kids were both in their orange and blue. We all know how well that game turned out for the Broncos. :(

Lucy loves sitting and standing. She needs help sitting up but she's becoming quite the big girl!

She has really found her voice. She is not always quiet!

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