Sunday, February 9, 2014

Undies, Baking, and Dinner with Elisa

One of the ways we encourage (read: bribe) Elliott to use the potty is with his Thomas underpants. He gets very excited about them.

His booty looks so little without a diaper. 
We've only worn the undies a few times, and not with great success. But they sure are cute!

Lucy and I often hang out in the car so she can eat while Jesse and Elliott go into Wegmans. She is quite the smiley girl these days. 1/25/14.

Elliott and I have been having fun baking these days. He likes to pick and add the ingredients. I let him pick between different kinds of flour, sugar, and oil. Interestingly, he always picks the healthier option (whole wheat flour, turbinado sugar, coconut oil).

Say pumpkin muffins!

A couple of Sundays ago, we had some new friends coming over for dinner. Unfortunately, three quarters of their family was sick and they had to cancel that morning. I already had dinner in the works so I called Rachel to invite them over for dinner. We joked that they got "new friend dinner." You know, the extra yummy dinner you make for new friends. Diego insisted that we call them any time new friends have to cancel.

Elisa and Elliott play beautifully together, as we learned when they were over a few months ago.

They both wanted to ride in the Cozy Coupe at the same time. They squished in there and Diego took them for a loop around the house. Elliott wore the hat from his Thomas Halloween costume the whole evening!

They made quick work of the playroom at the end of the night.

Mess? I don't know what you're talking about. Who? Us?

Trying to get both of them smiling at the same time . . . first Elliott.

Then Elisa.

Going in for a snuggle.

Reading together.

There we go! Look at those friends!

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