Friday, July 11, 2014

Salida Fun

We left John and Debbie's and headed to Salida to see Grandpa Nick. Check out our driver!

Playing with toys at Grandpa Nick's house.

Silly Elliott.

This was an awesome weekend to be in Salida. FIBArk is a huge whitewater kayaking festival that brings with it a carnival, live music, and other fun. We were busy the whole weekend doing all sorts of fun things. Here is Elliott testing out a kayak . . . not in the whitewater.

Tickets purchased - time for carnival rides! Elliott hasn't been on many rides before so we weren't sure what he would think of them. He loved it. We spent the next two days, and many dollars, at the carnival.


Lucy stood in her stroller so she could watch the action (flanked by Daddy and Grandpa Nick).

More airplane fun.

I think this ride was an alligator but we called it the dragon. Unfortunately, it broke shortly after Elliott's ride and was out of commission for the remainder of the weekend.

Who could pass up a pony ride!?

Back at Grandpa's house, Lucy enjoyed the non-childproofed cabinets.

I'm going in!

More to come from Salida!

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