Monday, July 7, 2014

Tiny Town and More

Bathtime at Grandma's house.

Happy Lucy!

Post bath snuggles with Grandpa Brad.

Elliott lined up all of Hayden's tractors.

Lucy loves her big cousin Hayden!

Lucy was teething while we were in Colorado. She was eager to chew on anything and everything, including the hinge on a baby crib.

In action. 

We took a day trip to Tiny Town in Morrison, CO. It was a great activity where we got to ride on a train and see all sorts of little buildings.

All ready for our first ride!

Lucy was very excited for the ride.

After our ride, we toured the streets of Tiny Town.

Looking in the grocery store.

The Harley dealership.

Sitting on the stoop of the library. 

The silly house.

This is a picture of Tiny Town from the late teens or early twenties. It was spectacular!

Who is that silly boy in the windmill?

In jail! I need one of these at home to raise the stakes for time out.

We had a picnic lunch and the kids played on the playground.

Lucy loves swings!

We finished our visit with another train ride. This time, Elliott rode in the kids-only caboose. There were three other kids in there with him and he loved it.

Getting ready to depart.


Poppy - this is for you. A shot of dinosaur hill.

The caboose and dinosaur hill.

Back at Grandma's house, Lucy went over to see Daddy.

There is a big horse riding facility near Grandma Sue's house. We went there one morning to watch the action. Elliott was not very interested in the actual show but enjoyed riding in a gator, walking around the barns, playing on a playground, and feeding this horse.

We spent one night with Aunt Debbie and Uncle John before heading up to Salida. The kids had a great time playing in their yard.

We loved seeing Debbie and John!

Lucy tried to eat all their mulch but we kept it to a minimum.

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