Sunday, July 6, 2014

Happy 30th Anniversary to Brad and Sue!

While we were in Colorado, we celebrated Grandma Sue and Grandpa Brad's 30th wedding anniversary. We had a family party to celebrate the occasion. It was wonderful to see so many people and toast such a milestone!

Lucy was excited to see and snuggle with so many relatives.
Cousin Hayden.

Uncle Cale.

Aunt Katie.

Big smiles!
See the red stripe on the TV in the background? That was the tornado warning that passed right over us as the party started.

Great Grandma Willa.

Someone was less thrilled to have his picture taken.

We took some family pictures after dinner.

Grandma Dorothy with her seven great grandchildren. One more was born since this picture was taken!!

What does it look like trying to get all of these kids to look at the camera?

The goofy immediate family.

Brad and Sue with all of their children and grandchildren.


Garrett, Brittany, and Hayden.

Look! A picture of Jesse and me!

Don't pull your sister's hair!

Getting the eyes from Daddy.

Jordi and Katie.

Cale making his belly big.

Kendra and Cale.

With Otis.

The couple of honor.

I hope we look this happy when we hit 30!

Jeff, Melissa, and Thomas.

A kiss for Mommy. 

And some bunny ears from Daddy. 

A toast to 30 years.

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