Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Great Pumpkin Farm

We took advantage of one of Coco's days off from work to go to the Great Pumpkin Farm. It's similar to Pumpkinville but north of us instead of south.

The pumpkin competition wrapped up the day before we went. That is a 1969 pound pumpkin. It set a new state record!

Coco and Lucy.

I tried to get a cute picture of them both smiling.

But ended up with lots of this . . . pickles!!

I love pumpkin pictures!


Every once in a while, he does slow down.

Elliott was too busy running around to get in the picture but Coco did get some nice ones of Lucy and me. Thanks, Coco!

That belly is the softest thing you can imagine.

The playground area included this huge, corrugated pipe.

Into the daylight!

Another pumpkin farm, another train.

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