Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Dinner with the Auerbachs

The Auerbachs came out for dinner recently. Elliott and Charlotte had a great time playing together. Lucy and Benny got to meet for the first time! Benny was born eight days before Lucy.

Charlotte and Elliott decided to sit on Dutch's pad. There are many cleaner surfaces in the house . . .

We forgot to do the photoshoot of the babies until Benny was all bundled up to go home. So, we went for these awkward shots. It looks like Dutch is eating Lucy's foot in this one.

Lucy: "It's too loud!"
Benny: "It's cool."

Lucy leaning in for a snuggle. Benny has his eyes on the door.

Alright, I guess we will go our separate ways, for now. 

We're looking forward to many more play dates - for the kids and the adults!
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