Monday, May 14, 2012

First muddy clothes (of many, I'm sure)

We enjoyed another beautiful weekend as a family.  We went to brunch with my parents, Holly, and Ned for mother's day.  Here are the moms and their babes after brunch.

On Sunday afternoon, we went to Emery Park, a beautiful park near our house.  We walked here all the time when I was pregnant.  Elliott has only been here once or twice on "the outside."  Here he is loving the swing.

So happy

Love to see my boys looking at each other.

Elliott got a new hat so he was nearly matching with his plaid pants and hat.

My boys

Picking flowers for Mama

Pulling himself up

Elliott is really good at standing up these days . . . 

But still falls down.

He went off on a mission.  Here he is with his ape crawl (hands and feet).

Checking things out to the right.  When he came back, he had muddy knees.  His first muddy knees!  I'm sure this is just the beginning of our long future with shout stain remover.  

Taking a mid-crawl rest

Daddy swooped in for a rescue and brought him back.
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