Friday, March 22, 2013

Getting to Know the Potty

These pictures make me smile every single time I look at them. In an effort to get Elliott comfortable with the potty, Holly sent a couple of Ned's old (and clean) potties out for us to use. After a week or so of using them as stools, Elliott saw a friend use the potty while she was over. The next morning, he sat down next to me on his potty. I quickly took off his clothes and made a big deal about this big event.

Smiling for the camera!
(Please ignore my failed attempts to strip the wallpaper from the bathroom.)

He's so proud of himself.

Catching up on the morning headlines.

Hmmmm. What's that over there?

He sat there for quite a while, and the next day . . . he peed on the potty!! I'm pretty sure he just happened to "go" while sitting there but we had a big party to celebrate anyway. 

We are still in the "getting to know you phase" with the potty. Full on potty training is likely a ways off but progress is progress and I'll take it!
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