Monday, March 11, 2013

Play with friends

Elliott's good friends Levi and Tucker were out of town for a few weeks and are now back.  We're so excited to have them back so we can play!!

Elliott and Tucker in Garrett's "new" truck

Elliott was eager to sit on the center console.  When Jesse takes out the trash, Elliott rides to the end of our driveway on the center console of his truck.  Clearly it is his preferred seat.

Checking out the view from another truck.

Elliott played follow-the-leader with Levi.

Right on her heels.

He followed her into the woods.  It was pretty cute watching them tramp around in there with Elliott trying to duck around the branches.

After dinner was bathtime.  Elliott does not usually like baths.  We take showers at home and he gets a little uneasy in the tub.  He has been getting better recently but loves bathtime with this group.  It was all laughs and smiles from the boys with occasional tears from Levi when the boys got too crazy.

Happy boy!

The naked boys spent about 10 minutes moving rocks around after tub time.  As a geology major, I think this is a perfect activity!

Tucker and Elliott played some wonderful songs on the piano before bed.

Singing a little tune?

Time for Tucker's solo!

We love playing with our friends!
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