Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Random Thoughts

As most of you know, we made the decision earlier this year that I would spend more time at home with Elliott and less time in the rat race that was my office life. I know that this is my chance, before he is in school, and that the window will be gone in a few short years.  Elliott still goes to school two days a week (he thrives there and loves it) while I do part-time work.  Most of the time, I love our new life.  

Elliott and I have more time together and I have significantly less stress.  My days have gone from conference calls and deadlines to play dates and nap time.  We have special outings we were never able to do before like music class and gymnastics/tumbling class.  We nap together here and there but snuggle after nap every day.  We read books and read books and read books.  I know more about what he likes to eat and drink and especially about what he doesn't like.  I can keep tabs on his rapidly growing vocabulary.  It's a joy to watch this little boy grow up.

But, not every day is roses.  Naps do not always come easily.  Lots of food ends up on the floor.  I always have a friend in, or pounding on the door of, the bathroom.  On Tuesday, we had to leave music class abruptly and early after a pushing incident.  Throwing toys (and food) has been a recent issue.  I stress about bad behavior now.  

The good is so good.  And far outweighs the bad.  In the car on our way home from school today, I laughed at Elliott, looking for a response.  He laughed back.  For the rest of our car ride, we laughed back and forth and had a blast.  Jesse made a little "house" out of a cardboard box in our living room.  Elliott closes the door and laughs as he sticks his head out the window.  He helps me bring his highchair into the kitchen for breakfast.  When he gets in his highchair, he helps fasten the safety belt and then points at the iPad saying, "Coco, Poppy!"  

When we sat down to read books tonight before bed, Elliott put his hand on my hand.  He has the softest skin imaginable.  It surprises me every day.  The best adjective that comes to mind is "butter."  Excuse me, "buttah."  Whenever he holds my hands, I melt a little bit over the cute gesture and the softness.  

Elliott gives hugs and kisses.  When he gives hugs, he pats the lucky recipient on the back.  The unrequested kisses are the best.  He blows kisses too - with impressively grand gestures.  

I am so lucky to call this wonderful little boy mine.  He is my joy and the light on dreary March days.  I love you, my sweet bunny.

1 comment:

  1. The sweetest random thoughts I've heard in quite some time. Enjoy every minute of that precious little Elliott because they grow up so very quickly.
