Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Colorado Sunset Walk

I can't believe I am still catching up from Colorado. Most of you probably saw these pictures on Facebook but I promise a few fun videos too!

We took a walk one beautiful evening after dinner. We walked down from Brad and Sue's house to a lovely lake/pond about a mile away. We brought the stroller but Elliott insisted on running the whole way there. He would occasionally get distracted by some rocks, grass, or other exciting things. We would keep walking and ask, "are you coming?" Elliott would respond with, "I'm coming!" It came out more like "I combin." He just starting stringing words together while we were in Colorado so this was pretty exciting for us to hear.


Almost down by the lake with Grandma and Sena the dog out in front.

Checking out the view.

Hayden getting in the trees.

My boys in the sun.

Cute cousins enjoying a rare, quiet moment.

Elliott was very excited by, well, everything. The grass at this moment.

Our first attempts at a family shot were entertaining but unsuccessful.

Heading back towards the house.

Sue had to quickly run Hayden back to the house for a bathroom trip. We thought they were going to a bathroom nearby so we were looking for them. Elliott was walking around saying, "Where's Hayden?" and "I don't know." He put his hands out in the "I don't know" pose with his elbows tucked in tight to his body in a very cute way. Here is a video:


Then we headed back up the hill. Elliott was clearly excited about something here.

Second attempt at a family photo was more successful!
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