Sunday, May 19, 2013

Dirt Pit with Hayden

Elliott's favorite part of our trip to Colorado was spending time with our family out there - especially his cousin Hayden. Elliott is still talking about Hayden, almost four weeks later. These great pictures are from one of our last evenings in Colorado when the boys had fun playing outside. Elliott loved the hole dug by one of the dogs and made himself right at home in it.

Look at that dirty face.

Reaching for something . . . 

The boys loved the feeling of the dirt in their toes.

Here is a link to a video of Elliott with his toes in the dirt.

Full of laughs and smiles for Grandpa Brad.

I have no idea what he is eating in this picture. Hopefully it was some kind of food . . . 

Back in the pit.

Full of smiles.

This one is a keeper!

We had such a wonderful trip to Colorado. This is the last of the trip pictures. We miss everybody already and look forward to our next trip there - and some visitors here!!
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