Monday, May 20, 2013

Road Trip Home

1,500 miles with a 19 month old toddler and a 20 week fetus? Fun times. We took three days to drive back home, as opposed to the day and a half we took driving to Colorado. Elliott is easily entertained by playgrounds. When he got antsy every hour and a half or two from sitting in the car, we would stop in Small Town, USA and find the local playground. Nearly every town across the country has a playground so it worked out well.

Elliott getting ready to pay the dinner bill somewhere in Kansas (the longest state ever!). When the waitress came to get the bill, he would not let it go.

Sleeping in the car and snuggling with bunny, somewhere in the middle. 

In case there was any question, this is who was really in charge of the road trip.

When we were nearly home, we stopped to see the next member of our growing family. We are getting a puppy from this litter of black labs! They were only two weeks old so we are still a ways off from picking our puppy from the group.

Here is a picture with Mom for scale so you can see how tiny they are - about the size of a guinea pig when we saw them. We are so excited to meet our little boy in a few weeks!!

I think this is a "Thomas trance." We occasionally broke out a portable DVD player to help Elliott pass the time. Thomas was a hit!

The day after we got home, we got to see the newest member of our family. Here is Baby Doren at 20 weeks! Everything looked great at my ultrasound. We are not finding out the gender so you get to wait too!
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