Thursday, May 30, 2013

Westminster Fair

A few weeks ago, we went to the Westminster Fair. Ned goes to Westminster and Ted, Holly, and I all went there when we were little. I have wonderful memories of this fair from my childhood. The highlight was winning goldfish at various games. Most of the fish lived for a few days before dying and getting their "burial at sea" in the toilet. However, we had one free fish from the fair that lived for about 15 or more years (we all lost count). Alas, there are not opportunities to win fish anymore but there are still lots of fun things to do!

There was a bubble machine set up in an upper window.


Elliott really liked the rides. His favorite was the train but of course I did not get a picture of that.

Elliott and Ned went on a ride together before we headed home.

Happy boys.

We look forward to going to the fair again next year!
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