Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Elliott and Penny Cuteness

Elliott and Penny had some rare time with just the two of them on Sunday while Ned was napping. With all three kids and Dutch, it gets a bit (understatement) crazy. Any combination of two is much calmer and more manageable. This gives me hope for life with two kids!

Holly took most of these pictures while I was rested. Thanks, Sister!

Yelling? Singing? I have no idea but it sure is cute.

Hold on, Penny . . . 

Here is your butterfly toy.

And this is why Penny is learning to crawl early and quickly! She has to outrun these boys.

She's a girl! We have a little girl in the family!

Hi, Mama!

It's a big reach for Elliott to open the screen door and get out to the front lawn.

He persisted and went out to look at ships with Coco.

A boy and his Coco.

Oh, Elliott, your cheeks are so soft. Do you use cocoa butter?

Look at the size difference. Penny is a little peanut and Elliott is a big boy. He likes to crawl with her.

Elliott is a big fan of the bath animals. He knows all their names and was lining them up to play with them.

Look, Auntie Em, I fit perfectly under this table. And my hair matches the wood!

My boy is getting so grown up.

Penny is doing a lot of assisted standing these days.

Woah! Big muscles! She needs those to fend off the bigger boys :)
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