Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Everyday Life

When I was working full-time, Elliott was really little, Jesse was away, and we were in the dead of winter, I dreaded Monday nights. After work and getting Elliott to bed, I would pack up the trash and drive Jesse's truck down to the end of the driveway for Tuesday morning pickup. A 700 foot driveway warrants driving the trash out. It was a chore in every sense of the word. My, how times have changed. Taking the trash out is now one of the highlights of the week. Elliott loves it. He helps collect the small trash cans from the bathrooms and brings them to the kitchen. He always puts the right trash can back in the correct bathroom and in the correct location. And then the real fun begins . . . we all pile in Jesse's truck. Elliott sits on the center console and Dutch sits on the front seat. We back down the driveway as Elliott smiles with delight. I take the cans out at the end of our driveway. Then I ask Elliott, "do you want to go fast or slow?" You can guess what the answer always is: "FAST!" We all have a wonderful time and look forward to the next week. Who would have thought thought that taking out the trash could be such fun?!

Elliott and Dutch love playing together. We still have some issues when Dutch mouths on Elliott but it gets better everyday. I had both boys outside one day last week to play with bubbles. It turns out bubbles are great fun for a puppy! Be sure to watch the end when Dutch makes a great vertical leap.

On Thursday of last week, Elliott, Dutch, and I made my parents' house in Elma our home base to stay away from the exterminator's annual outdoor treatment and so that Ann could watch Elliott while I took Dutch for a checkup at the vet. Dutch is growing well and has gone from 16 to 24 pounds in the time we have had him. And . . . he's skinnier than they would like and suggested we feel him more (hmmm, no doctor has ever said that to me).
These pictures are from post-nap in Coco and Poppy's bed. Elliott looks like such a big boy enjoying his snack in the special snack cubby.

This bookcase has been rearranged over the years to keep fragile goods out of reach of the kids. Elliott knew exactly how to get the things he could not reach.

Climb on up! We're in trouble . . . 
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