Sunday, July 14, 2013

Fire Trucks and Sushi

Our friend Connor is a firefighter with the Buffalo Fire Department. On Tuesday, he let us come down to his firehouse to show Elliott the big trucks. They have a ladder truck and an engine at their house.

Up in the driver's seat of the ladder truck.

After a seemingly smooth start, Elliott recoiled and became a little scared of the big trucks. We talk about them all the time and see them often but they are really big up close. It didn't help that he got sunscreen in his eye on the way to the fire station. Here is Jesse trying to tell him that it will all be okay.

Connor's brilliant idea to make Elliott feel more comfortable with it all was to dress me up in his turnout gear. It started with the hat/helmet (not a light item!).

And then I donned his boots, pants, and coat. My belly did not fit in the pants . . . nor did my big feet fit well in Connor's boots.

This turned out better than I thought it would. I anticipated a photo for awkward family photos . com with me in this ridiculous outfit, Elliott crying, and Jesse pointing at my belly/general weirdness.

In order to give me the full experience, Connor had me put on his air tank and hold his ax and his chainsaw. It's amazing to think that Connor climbs ladders and fights fires carrying this much gear - that only gets heavier when wet. No wonder he has such big muscles!

Apparently my crazy outfit did work because Elliott willingly following Connor around the station.

In the back of the ladder truck.

Even with all those cool fire trucks, Elliott was still thoroughly entertained with the storm drain outside the firehouse. Thanks, Connor, for letting us come visit! We will definitely be back again!

That evening, we went to our favorite sushi spot for sushi happy hour. We hadn't taken Elliott there in quite a while and were interested to see how he would do. He enjoyed reading the "book" (picture menu).

This is the kids meal. That's a lot of food for a little person!

Elliott ended up eating edamame and rice for dinner. He thought the sushi roll was a cookie and was sorely disappointed when he bit into it and realized otherwise.

We went to a nearby park to play after dinner. Elliott loves the wooden choo choo train at this park.
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