Sunday, April 27, 2014

Lucy - Crawling and a New Tree!

Ruth, my fairy godmother, is an incredibly talented artist. She offered to paint something in Lucy's room. I pondered several themes for her room and settled on safari, mostly because we have a few great things from our trip to South Africa in 2004 that would look great in there. I found a tree I liked online and Ruth brought it to life. She started by freehanding the outline in chalk and then went to work with the paint.

Lucy played on the floor for a while and started crawling!!

During a brush cleaning break, Lucy got to play with a brush.

She loved it!

I love her noises. She growls.

Maybe she will have an artistic bone in her body, unlike her mama.

Almost done.

The master at work. Ruth painted all of the beautiful walls at my parents' house.

Lucy sat in her crib and watched Ruth paint.

The final product. Thank you, Ruth!

Getting kisses from Dutch.

I am so in love with this tree. I smile every time I see it, even at 2 am. And 4 am.

We stopped by the Mayers' house for a quick hello before they left for vacation. Everyone was eager to love on Lucy.

Lincoln went right in for snuggles. Tucker posed for me.

We picked up Elliott from school and went to the smaller grocery store in town. I really don't like this store but I love the little carts they have for Elliott! 

He had a complete conversation with this store employee and told her about everything he had in his cart.

Lucy has not really expressed love for food yet. As an experiment, I gave her a chunk of banana one night. Warning: this video is about as exciting as watching paint dry. I call it "our three minute experiment with baby led weaning" or "Lucy and the Banana."

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