Friday, May 9, 2014

Emma's Baptism

We joined Emma and her family to celebrate her baptism on April 27th. I did not take any pictures in the church but have many from the party back at the Donlans' house.

Lucy and Hollyn were done being quiet in church long before the Mass ended. We ducked out early and went back to the Donlans' to play and help set up.
Lucy and Hollyn loved playing together!

Big smiles.

The star of the day, Emma.

Three friends together again.
Hollyn (9 1/2 months), Emma (6 1/2 months), Lucy (7 1/2 months)

The girls seem more interested in each other than most babies their age.

All looking the same way! Someone must have been doing something crazy to get this attention.

Happy Emma!

The Cotting Family.

The Donlan Family.

The six of us. I am so fortunate to have such wonderful friends.

Elliott and his new friend, Charlotte. Charlotte is Emma's cousin.

These two hit it off and had a great time playing together all afternoon.

I wish I had audio to go with the loud "cheese" I was getting from these two. You can see the veins in Elliott's neck bulging!

We hope to play with Charlotte again, soon!

Running fast to keep up with Charlotte.

Emma napping with Grammy Cotting (Danielle's mom).

Lucy and Emma.
Side note: I love summer dresses!!

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