Thursday, June 5, 2014

Lucy - 8 Months

Lucy is already eight months old! She is pulling herself up to standing all the time now. She eats all sorts of solid food and prefers finger foods. She is happy and smiley most of the time (the impending teeth account for the unhappy times).

This dress was mine when I was a baby.

When Elliott was little, he only had baby toys. Now, Lucy has baby toys and all of Elliott's toy (or, in this case, Poppy's toys). She seems to pass over the baby toys and go right for the big kid toys.

The many facial expressions of Lucy.

Standing up.

These two love playing together.

This was a game of Simon Says. Arms to the sky!

Touch your knees.

Arms wide.
Miraculously, he recovered from this wobble and did not fall off.

Give yourself a hug.

Touch your head.

Google did their fancy thing and put it all together.

I love those chubby legs.

Just hanging out in this rocking chair, Mama.

I tried to get a cute picture with both kids. Not so easy!

The best of the bunch.

Elliott, the explorer.

Sibling love (or dive bombing).

Lucy then requested a snack by tugging at my shirt.

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