Sunday, June 29, 2014

Grandma's Backyard

After the Elizabeth Stampede and naps, we enjoyed the afternoon in Grandma Sue and Grandpa Brad's backyard. They built a sandpit shortly before our arrival. The kids loved it so much that Jesse built one at our house this week!

Elliott briefly expressed interest in playing baseball with Brad and Hayden. He didn't quite understand the game as he was standing between the pitcher and the batter.

Game confusion. A baseball bat and a soccer ball.

Exploring the shed with Grandpa Brad.

Matchy, matchy.

Lots of giggles for Grandpa's tickles.

Lucy had a great time crawling in (and eating) the dirt and sand.

More sandbox fun.

Lucy is quite the stander these days. She cannot stand unassisted but that probably isn't far off.

The true story of dinosaur extinction? Toddler burial.

Elliott had a great time sitting in Grandpa's truck with Hayden and watching Brad, Cale, and Garrett play basketball.

The scene in the driveway.

Lucy wanted to watch, too.

Mama! I can't fit my head through!

And now matching pouty faces.

Two of my new favorite pictures of the kids. Lucy and her dirty chin.

Elliott's cute face.

Elliott had a great time playing with Hayden's old toys!

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