Thursday, June 12, 2014

Three Generations to NYC

My mom had to travel to Long Island a couple of weeks ago to attend a funeral. Lucy and I offered to keep her company and make a trip out of it. Since we last went to NYC in December, two of my friends have had babies. I had to get down there to squeeze the new little ones and visit lots of family and friends.

Lucy's first plane ride!

Our plane was five hours delayed. Ugh! Lucy was pushing bedtime and going crazy before takeoff. 

I failed to take a single picture of our stay on Long Island with Caroline, Jack, and CeCe. We loved seeing them and were so appreciative of their hospitality!

Anne and Malcolm came over to visit at Claire and Scott's apartment. Malcolm was born on January 2nd and this was our first time meeting him.

Lucy loved playing with a smaller baby.

She looked like she was giving him kisses.

I got down lower and realized she was, in fact, giving him kisses!

Happy, handsome Malcolm.

Off to visit the Armstrongs! It's odd for me, as a non-New Yorker, to have Lucy sit in my lap.

Here I am with Will, born March 27th, to Louise and Andrew. He's so cute and wee! I'm looking forward to seeing him often in Canada this summer.

Lucy in the big city. I was trying to get her to fall asleep by wandering around Rockefeller Center. She was too interested in the action to sleep.

Penelope and Lucy were very focused on eating.

But they took a break to hold hands.

These two are bound to be as close as their moms are!

Friends that eat together, nap together.

Out like a light.

Lucy slept through more shopping and most of another meal. I loved her little foot sticking out from under Coco's raincoat.

The girls got in some more play time before our evening flight home.

Thanks to Claire and Scott for having us. We love staying with you!

While the girls were in NYC, Poppy and Elliott spent some quality time together. Thank you, Poppy, for giving me the chance to get away for a few days. I know Elliott is in great hands with you and has a wonderful time.
Elliott has developed a not-awesome habit of letting himself into the barn. In Poppy's words "No, I don't recall going into the barn. Why do you ask? "Er, sorry, I guess I did leave the lights on in the barn."

Lunch at Elm Street Bakery with Poppy, three dinosaurs, a yak, and a bulldozer. The animals are watching so Elliott has to be a good eater.

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