We started off June with big excitement - a new concrete floor in our garage. We had to get some supplies at Home Depot. Not surprisingly, Elliott made a beeline for the riding mowers.
The key! (Stern words followed . . .)
Lucy flaps her arms and kicks her feet when she is excited.
She loves playing with Elliott's riding Thomas that he got for Christmas from Grandpa Nick. You can see her standing skills in this video, too. She's going to be on the move soon!
Elliott loved all the action in our driveway. He came home from school on Tuesday afternoon to find a skid steer, several pickup trucks, and workmen. It got better on Wednesday morning when the concrete truck arrived bright and early!
Lucy loves playing in the shower. If we leave the bathroom door open, she crawls right in there to play.
We went to the chicken BBQ in East Aurora that night. Lucy and her smiles were quite popular with the neighboring tables.
Then we went to the Red Caboose where Elliott had his first ice cream cone EVER. We have offered it before and he always refused. This year, he started asking for it. He seemed to like it but lost interest pretty quickly. Like any good mother, I finished it for him (way to ease back into dairy). Of course, he asked for it 15 minutes later and I had to explain that I ate it or it would have melted.
The kids left their marks on our new floor.
There it is! This might seem trivial to some of you but this is a BIG upgrade from the dirt floor that was in there.
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